Has it really been almost a decade since Puppet was created? It turns out it has, and that realization was a constant theme of PuppetConf 2014. We sit down with a distinguished panel including Ryan Coleman, Deepak Giridharagopal, Kris Buytaert, Nigel Kersten, and Dawn Foster to discuss the announcements, keynotes, talks, and themes of the conference, as well as reflect on five years of DevOps, 10 years of “second generation configuration management tools,” and what one might do with an army of 400 sysadmins at their command. Join us as we take a look back at
Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus, and Pete Cheslock, aka @petecheslock for the panel, plus a the last couple of weeks in News & Views and a new Tooltip!

Or, download Episode 49, or any of our previous shows!
Show Links/Notes
- DevOps Days Chicago is coming up!
- 3:29 – News & Views
- Shellshock shocks… well… everyone.
- Continuous delivery of bash
- You can be pwned via DHCP!
- Hacking Nagios via Shellshock for fun and profit
- CloudFlare releases Keyless SSL
- Infographic from DZone’s Continuous Delivery Guide: Who’s Handling What
- Paul’s article on the Pitfalls of Continuous Delivery in DZone’s Continuous Delivery Guide
- Study proves what we all know: No one is paying attention to you on conference calls
- 14:27 – Main Segment: The Pulse of PuppetConf 2014
- Puppet Labs shipping a re-engineered PuppetServer, Puppet Apps, and an improved Puppet Forge
- Weekly mailing lists to follow: Tech Leadership News, DevOps Weekly, and Software Lead Weekly
- Lindsay Holmwood on Engineers being promoted into management
- PuppetConf 2014 DevOps Report
- Seven Puppet Lessons from @KrisBuytaert
- @SamKottler defines new words for us
- 59:00 – Tooltip
- Numerous DevOps Days before the end of the year, still!
- devopsconferences.com has the latest
Paul introduces us—Steven Murawski would be so proud— to PSReadline, a set of tools that bring advanced readline functionality to the PowerShell terminal.
Join Us!
How has your use of Puppet (or configuration management) changed in the last 10 years?
What do you think is most responsible for that shift?
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- Shoot the crew an email: crew@theshipshow.com
Tags: cloudflare, continuous delivery, security, ssl