Posts Tagged: gaming

Aug 13

Training: Vapid or Valuable?

Earlier this year at ChefConf, rabble-rouser Sascha Bates proclaimed that “training is pointless! Why do training when you can just sequester yourself (and maybe your team) away and read a book!” But, within earshot were Julian Dunn and Nathen Harvey, who both lead training for a living. Hilarity ensued, and we decided to mediate the “dispute” for episode 24! We tackle the issue of training, learning styles, and industry technical certifications, as we try to figure out:

Training: Vapid or Valuable?

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus, plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and another DevOps Dear Abby!

Or, download Episode 24, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes

DevOps Dear Abby

Adam asks via email:

[I] recently had a discussion with my direct supervisor in which he opened the door to the possibility of me moving into a software development manager position for one of the other dev teams…. While I like the possibility of being a person who can help others facilitate their professional development, I worry about what I might be giving up in going down the management path (namely life as a developer).

I’m wondering if any of the Ship Show crew have any experience with being offered positions in middle-management or other supervisory roles, and if they chose to (or not to) go down that route & what were the factors involved in that decision.

@mikefiedler asks “So why is [there a disconnect between academia and industry], and can/should we change that?”

Join Us!

Have you had training experiences that made you cringe? Or that you’d gladly recommend? What learning techniques do you feel work the best when you’re trying to understand something new?

Join the discussion!