Posts Tagged: Jenkins

Oct 12

Rolling Your Own

Episode 8 brings crisp fall weather (“summer” in San Francisco), and a discussion on rolling your own: your own tool, your own Jenkins or Maven plugin, your own whatever. We take a closer look at some of the costs associated with doing so and some of the aspects to think about when trying to decide whether to hack on (and join) the open source community around a particular tool, or buck up and write it yourself. When exactly is the best decision:

Rolling Your Own

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, and Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d for the discussion, plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and a review of the recent Jenkins User Conference.

Or, download Episode 8, or any of our previous shows!

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EJ tells us all about his experience at the recent Jenkins User Conference in San Francisco, including a coverage of the most important aspect of the conference: the food!

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Has “rolling your own” sometimes been a nightmare, sometimes a nightmare? Never a nightmare? Are there “happy ever after” roll-your-own stories?

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