Extinguishing Burnout

As tech companies implement all sorts of ways to increase their output, the often-undiscussed tradeoff is how it impacts employees. Most tech workers have struggled with burnout in a role, at a company, or even in the area of tech they’ve focused their career; some of us have even suffered through burnout without noticing it: we only became aware when friends and family intervened to let us know how off-the-rails our work/life balance had become. In episode 43, we take a look at the signs, symptoms, causes, and strategies for:

Extinguishing Burnout

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d and Pete Chesslock, aka @petecheslock for the panel discussion, plus a the last couple of weeks in News & Views and some opinionated thoughts and feels!

Or, download Episode 43, or any of our previous shows!

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Paul ponders whether or not build systems are a good proxy for determining code quality.

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What are your strategies for avoiding burnout?

Has burnout become an easier issue to wrestle with as your career has progressed?

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