For episode 44, we sit down with Lanette Creamer, a proponent of context-driven and agile QA practices to discuss what “quality” means in a world moving toward DevOps practices. Lanette started in QA back when solving “the blank screen” involved “typing in win.exe” and has been testing everything from publishing to medical records software. We figure out what it’s like to be a QA engineer in this changing environment and how we can all help produce better quality in the software we work on. Join us as Lanette guides the panel through:
Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, and Pete Chesslock, aka @petecheslock for the discussion, plus a the last couple of weeks in News & Views and a new Tool Tip!
Or, download Episode 44, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes
- 2:00 – News & Views
- CodeSpaces Amazon-based infrastructure decimated by lost AWS keys
- Docker suffers container breakout proof-of-concept; see the line by line analysis
- Riot Games wants new employees to quit… if they’re not feeling the culture
- A GitHub repository of old versions of classic Unix utilities
- 11:31 – Main Segment: Quantifying Quality
- A primer on context-driven QA
- Lanette Creamer’s testing blog
- Jing: a tool for sharing videos/screenshots
- 58:36 – ToolTip
- Interested in postmortems? Check out Dave Zwieback’s Postmortem Workshop
- A whole lotta great speakers getting ready for Agile 2014; join us for the conference!
- DevOpsDays Minneapolis is coming up
- has the latest
Youssuf introduces us to Percol, a Python tool that will make sifting through your data with regular expressions easier.
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How does your organization handle the issue of quality in its software?
What does quality mean in a continuous delivery/DevOps context?
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- Tweet at us: @ShipShowPodcast
- Shoot the crew an email:
Jun 14
Extinguishing Burnout
As tech companies implement all sorts of ways to increase their output, the often-undiscussed tradeoff is how it impacts employees. Most tech workers have struggled with burnout in a role, at a company, or even in the area of tech they’ve focused their career; some of us have even suffered through burnout without noticing it: we only became aware when friends and family intervened to let us know how off-the-rails our work/life balance had become. In episode 43, we take a look at the signs, symptoms, causes, and strategies for:
Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d and Pete Chesslock, aka @petecheslock for the panel discussion, plus a the last couple of weeks in News & Views and some opinionated thoughts and feels!
Or, download Episode 43, or any of our previous shows!
Show Links/Notes
The Comment Block
Paul ponders whether or not build systems are a good proxy for determining code quality.
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What are your strategies for avoiding burnout?
Has burnout become an easier issue to wrestle with as your career has progressed?
Join the discussion!