Nov 13

A Cornucopia of Dev[Ops] Tools: A Chat with Atlassian

As the holiday season approaches, we take a moment to sit down with Sarah Goff-Dupont and James Dumay from Atlassian’s Bamboo team to discuss the full stack of tools used by companies of all sizes, from startups to massive enterprises to NASA to get their software shipped. (Sometimes off of the planet!) Atlassian is known for the bug-tracker Jira, but we discuss the many of the other things they do, the process they use to design the various tools in their stack, how they work to address the special technological and cultural challenges that larger enterprises and governments find themselves facing when working towards scaling a DevOps transformation, and how to get those organizations started. So, grab some turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, and join us for:

A Cornucopia of Dev[Ops] Tools: A Chat with Atlassian

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, and EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella for a fireside chat with Atlassian and a Thanksgiving Tool Tip!

Or, download Episode 31, or any of our previous shows!

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Tool Tip

Youssuf discusses his experience with JetBrains’ recently open-sourced Python IDE PyCharm 3.0 Community Edition (source code!)

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Would you consider your organization’s continuous integration pipeline to be stable?

Is there anything we can do to be more empathetic to the issues faced by large enterprises?

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Nov 13

Getting into Flow[Con] with Gene Kim and Jez Humble

What happens when you bring together practitioners from all corners of the software development arena, put them in a room, and discuss hardware and software scaling, what your ops teams should (and shouldn’t) do, how not to fool yourself again, how to delight your customers, how to tune your feedback cycles, how to get the executive staff to buy into it, how to make the outcomes better by embracing diversity, and wrap it all up with how not to turn it into an pie-in-the-sky religion? Well, you’d have FlowCon! Join us as we review the conference held last week in San Francisco with two of the program committee members, a couple of gentlemen who’ve both written a couple of little books you might’ve heard of before. Listen in as we attempt:

Getting into Flow[Con] with Gene Kim and Jez Humble

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, and Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d as we discuss FlowCand a new Tool Tip!

Or, download Episode 30, or any of our previous shows!

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Tool Tip

Paul introduces us to Pipe Viewer, a (long-existing) Unix utility for providing information about the speed of your piped shell commands:

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What aspects of “flow” does your organization struggle with?

Which people and departments in your software development process are that sad, soggy piece of lettuce?

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Oct 13

To Be Continued: Release Engineering Tools at Netflix

It is fitting that our first episode to be split into a TV-esque cliffhanger is with our Netflix panel! In episode 28, we discussed Netflix’s unique engineering culture; in part two, we discuss with the panel the dynamics of how Netflix develops its release engineering tools, Netflix’s cloud prize, configuration management vs. baked potatoes, what percentage of the Internet Netflix actually uses at peak, plus the panel’s guilty (and possibly embarrassing) Netflix pleasures; find out what they are and more when we wrap up:

To Be Continued: Release Engineering Tools at Netflix

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus plus another installment of #DevOpsDearAbby!

Or, download Episode 29, or any of our previous shows!

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DevOps Dear Abby

@zsepi asks “Despite having worked maintenance years on legacy codebases at BigCo, I don’t see why people keep picking on ‘enterprise developers’; shouldn’t we approach code with the assumption that everyone did their best given the circumstances (culture, skills, deadlines, etc.)?

@StevenMurawski asks via email:

Why are ops guys in primarily Windows environments looked down upon (or feel looked down upon) in the DevOps community? Very often references will be “oh, and on Windows” like the ops guys running Windows wouldn’t be expected to be as professional as their compatriots on the *nix side of things. How can a primarily Windows ops guy fit in to this DevOps community?

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What’s your design and testing process for your organization’s build/release engineering tools?

Do you use active configuration management or the “baked AMI” approach?

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Oct 13

Because You Watched DevOps, You Might Enjoy Netflix

It’s hard to have a conversation or hear a presentation these days about DevOps without hearing Netflix’s name being uttered: they’re a poster-child not only for employing DevOps principles and techniques, but for successfully moving their entire application to Amazon’s Web Services public cloud. But how did they achieve this? And what cultural and technological struggles did they have while reshaping themselves from a company that mails out DVDs to a company that slings bits and produces Emmy-award winning content. Join us for a chat with members of Netflix’s Engineering Tools and Playback Reliability teams; we know it’s a conversation you won’t want to miss… after all:

Because You Watched DevOps, You Might Enjoy Netflix

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views!

Or, download Episode 28, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes

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What cultural struggles does your organization deal with?

Would “context, not control” work in your company?

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Sep 13

Branching, Merging, and Octopi (Oh My!)

With the explosion in popularity and usage of Git and its distributed version control brethren, developers finally have cheap, easy, local branching. But branching is pointless without merging, and many organizations are finding that the free-for-all merge process that Git can leave your organization with (mostly by being totally silent on the subject) is error prone, doesn’t scale, and may even destroy content! As you search for the perfect branching model, questions like “should we use fast-forward merges or merge commits,” “When do we rebase (if ever)?” and “What repository structure should we use” are bound to crop up, along with “can’t we just use git flow?” Join the panel as they grab a razor and a yak and talk:

Branching, Merging, and Octopi (Oh My!)

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and a Tool Tip!

Or, download Episode 27, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes

Tool Tip

Paul reviews Storm, a tool to “manage your SSH like a boss!”

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What branching and merging models do you like? Which ones do you despise?

Or do you just hope you don’t have to worry about any of it?

Join the discussion!

Sep 13

PuppetConf 2013 Revue

All of Information Technology’s puppeteers recently came together in San Francisco to discuss their beloved automation/configuration management tool, Puppet! We attended the conference and have the lowdown on all the Puppet developments of the past year, plus what’s in store for Puppet and the community this next year! Join our eclectic panel of puppet experts as we recount the goings on this year at PuppetConf in our:

PuppetConf 2013 Revue

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, and EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and the return of the word association game!

Or, download Episode 26, or any of our previous shows!

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Roaming PuppetConf Word Association Game

The conference word association game returns!

Just as at ChefConf, we asked a number of PuppetConf attendees to blurt out the first word that came into their head when prompted by a number of words relevant to our industry.

See what they had to say!

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Did you attend PuppetConf? Or watch the live stream?

Where do you think Puppet is going in the next year?

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Aug 13

Keep Calm and PROD On

The initial premise for episode 25—has it really been that long?— was “should everyone have access to the production environment,” which the panel was squarely divided on. But the discussion eventually turned to what skills your Ops (and, with DevOps, your developers!) should have so they don’t “freak out” when dealing with production outages. But, it’s not just engineers: organizations, with their management ethos and culture, play a big role as well. So find out who thinks who should have access to PROD, plus how to:

Keep Calm and PROD On

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus, plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and a conference review!

Or, download Episode 25, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes


Paul describes his experience at Engine Yard’s inaugural Distill Conference.

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Did you ever work with someone who you wish didn’t have access to Production? What ways have you found to help increase your ability to deal with incident-related stress?

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Aug 13

Training: Vapid or Valuable?

Earlier this year at ChefConf, rabble-rouser Sascha Bates proclaimed that “training is pointless! Why do training when you can just sequester yourself (and maybe your team) away and read a book!” But, within earshot were Julian Dunn and Nathen Harvey, who both lead training for a living. Hilarity ensued, and we decided to mediate the “dispute” for episode 24! We tackle the issue of training, learning styles, and industry technical certifications, as we try to figure out:

Training: Vapid or Valuable?

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, EJ Ciramella, aka @eciramella, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus, plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and another DevOps Dear Abby!

Or, download Episode 24, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes

DevOps Dear Abby

Adam asks via email:

[I] recently had a discussion with my direct supervisor in which he opened the door to the possibility of me moving into a software development manager position for one of the other dev teams…. While I like the possibility of being a person who can help others facilitate their professional development, I worry about what I might be giving up in going down the management path (namely life as a developer).

I’m wondering if any of the Ship Show crew have any experience with being offered positions in middle-management or other supervisory roles, and if they chose to (or not to) go down that route & what were the factors involved in that decision.

@mikefiedler asks “So why is [there a disconnect between academia and industry], and can/should we change that?”

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Have you had training experiences that made you cringe? Or that you’d gladly recommend? What learning techniques do you feel work the best when you’re trying to understand something new?

Join the discussion!

Jul 13

Practical Object OO (and Cat!) Design with Sandi Metz!

For episode 23, we sit down with programming veteran and Ruby expert Sandi Metz to discuss her new book: Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby! But we don’t just talk about design patterns; we tackle everything from what Sandi means by “object-oriented design”, to how design patterns permeate both software engineering and operations. We also philosophize on the art of the programming craft and what changes Sandi has seen over thirty years. Sit down with us for a conversation on:

Practical Object OO (and Cat!) Design with Sandi Metz!

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, and Seth Thomas, aka @cheeseplus, plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and another installment of DevOps Dear Abby!

Or, download Episode 23, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes

DevOps Dear Abby

@withneedle asks “[Any] advice on trying to do devops (or collaborate in general) as an introvert?

@sigje asks “Is there a holy grail of ‘Testing an API’? aka example project on github or …”

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What patterns in object oriented design (or DevOps, for that matter) have you had to learn the hard way?

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Jun 13

DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2013 Super Panel

Episode 22 sports a special treat: in case you weren’t able to attend DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2013, we join forces with the Food Fight Show (again!) and the DevOps Cafe for the first ever “Food Ship Cafe!” We convene a group of DevOps household names (including the “fairy godmother” of DevOps himself!) for the:

DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2013 Super Panel!

Join J. Paul Reed, aka @SoberBuildEng, Youssuf El-Kalay, aka @buildscientist, and Sascha Bates, aka @sascha_d, plus the last couple of weeks in News & Views and a tooltip!

Or, download Episode 22, or any of our previous shows!

Show Links/Notes

Tool Tip

For everyone who doesn’t know about it yet, Paul introduces ipython: an interactive frontend to the Python interpreter that brings a number of great features to Python developers!

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What #DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2013 keynotes and Ignite talks did you like the best (you can watch them all for free!)

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